
How to let Covid destroy the church

Now that 2020 is almost over, vaccines for Covid have been developed and are starting to be distributed, there seems to be hope that 2021 could be better. As we all look back, we will certainly find much that we wish we would have known better, responded differently to, or even avoided altogether.

We have certainly not escaped Covid’s reach yet and I believe we are now more than ever in dangerous waters and could easily see the church continue to suffer from “Covid Fatigue.”  In talking to many of my pastoral friends to get their input I have come up with three things that are sure to destroy your church as you wrestle with Covid Fatigue.

Blame the leadership. Since every church leader took advanced degree classes in Pandemic Preparedness, it only makes sense that they should have known the right protocols, resources and mitigation steps that would ensure that no one contracted this disease.  It then makes complete sense that if you really want to destroy the church, blame them for anyone who got Covid, steps they took that you did not agree with in dealing with this disease, or dealing with this situation in any way that is less than perfect. 

Pick a side.  Covid has raised what I call “Covid shaming.”  It is the practice of blaming someone for whatever they did wrong that led to them getting Covid.  Then you have the people who think that Covid does not exist and any steps taken to prevent it are just brainless and socialistic.  So, pick a side.  If everyone in church picks a side to Covid then we can fight it out and may the best man or woman win. 

Take your eyes off Christ.  It cannot be true that God is Sovereign or that His Kingdom work can go forward during Covid.  His commands to evangelize and make disciples cannot be carried out in a pandemic, so Christ must have failed you.  Stop looking to Him for answers and find someone that really knows what they are talking about.  Preferably someone that you can agree with on every point without pause. 

Practice any or all these steps and you will mostly certainly be able to watch the church smolder and burn.  Destruction not from outside sources but from arson. 

I hope that you see my jesting in much of my conversation, but as a weary pastor I can tell you that all of these are at play. 

God will not only sustain His church but has and will see it expand during this time in our world’s history. I encourage all of us to remember that the devil, not Covid, is our enemy.  Let’s all get on bended knee and seek His face.  Pray for wisdom, discernment, and unity.  God has and desires to continue to guide us to even better days ahead. The best way to get there is to stick to the basics and practice the greatest command.  Love God and Love others!!

1 Response to “How to let Covid destroy the church”

  1. 1 Jen Papiernik
    December 29, 2020 at 4:20 pm

    “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” The only wrong choice was for churches to close during this pandemic.

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