
UPCC welcomes its newest full-time staff member

The journey to find a man to step in after Bryan Raught left to lead the 242 Community church plant has not been easy.  Along the way God has provided several interim men that have all blessed UPCC with their different gift sets and abilities.  Our desire though has always been to have a full-time staff member to help us carry out the mission and vision of the church in our area and around the world.  After a lengthy process of interviewing several candidates, God has answered that prayer and brought Derek Whalen to be our next full-time staff elder. 

Derek is no stranger to UPCC as his parents were founding members of the church. As he and his family came to visit, they got to see the changes, growth, challenges, and adjustments that were made as the church went from brand new to now 11 years old. 

Derek is wrapping up his pastoral ministry in Ohio where he has been serving for over 10 years.  His experience in admin, heart for discipleship and love of teaching and preaching God’s Word will help Pastor John as they plan out and lead, along with the other Elders, the next steps for UPCC. 

Please pray for Derek and Christy as they seek to sell their house in Ohio, find a new one in our area and Christy looks for a new job. The Whalen’s three children are all out of high school and will not be moving with them as they each pursue the paths God has for them. 

Once again, we excitedly welcome the Whalen’s and hope that God gives us many years of ministry together in the valley and beyond for God’s honor and glory. 

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