
Let’s start a revolution!

Harsh comments, scowling faces, hopeless eyes.  As I walk around my area I daily encounter people who say, look and act this way.  Why?  Take your pick.  Racial tension, politics, Covid, etc…  The heaviness of these topics and more seem to be weighing down the citizens of our world.

My question then is what are you doing?  Are you one who is living in fear, anger, and frustration?  Have you lost hope?  I want to make a radical proposition.  Would you be willing to join me in starting a revolution?  I am not suggesting that we take up arms and overthrow anything.  I am saying that it is time that those of us who call ourselves followers of Christ should step up and make a change. 

Instead of adopting the same harsh comments, scowling faces and hopeless eyes that we see around us, how about if we do the Biblical things that we should be doing. 

These actions that were not radical before are now.  This revolution has us focusing on opportunities to share the Gospel, live focused on Christ and impact people as we go about our daily routines. Let’s start speaking words of greeting and encouragement.  Let’s start smiling and laughing as we sit down to eat our meals.   Allow your eyes to shine with hope and anticipation of all that God has promised and fulfilled. Listen better, pray more, and look for any chance to do good.  Watch less news, stay off social media and stop allowing the devil to get a foothold in your mind.  These are all practical ways that we can start a revolution for God’s honor and glory.

Will you join me?  Will you choose to embrace His hope during these dark days?  Will you become a revolutionary?  How about you start by simply starting to say hi again and give a wave.  You got to start somewhere😊. 

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