
Ten thoughts on Mental Health from the heart of a pastor

We just had our Mental Health Sunday this past week at our church.  It was a great morning as we strove to help people know that there are help and resources available.  I wrote out a few thoughts as I contemplated the journey I have been on with so many in my world.  Knowing my time was limited, I condensed it down to ten statements that came from my heart and experiences.  Little did I know how many people would be impacted.  Since I have been asked by so many to pass along my list, I decided to make them a blog.  I am not going to unpack them each here, but I will probably expand on some in future blog entries that I find strike a chord.  Of course, you can always reach out to me and I will be happy to explain them.  My desire is that you will find hope and help in these thoughts.

  • Don’t think that you know exactly what someone else is going through.
  • Don’t neglect your other children, marriage or family.
  • Don’t fail to take time to breathe deep breaths.
  • Know this will probably be the new normal.
  • Take time to mourn what you planned your life would be.
  • Know that you cannot fix it.
  • Know that you can offer resources and encouragement, but you cannot force.
  • Listen, pray, and seek.
  • You will make mistakes, but you are not defined by them.
  • Know that God truly and deeply loves you and your loved ones.

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