
What has been happening at UPCC through Covid?

I have only written once or twice over the last year or so. I would like to blame Covid but there have been many factors that have led to my absence.  We have had some intense family and ministry challenges that have, honestly, paralyzed me in many ways. God has been gracious and even though much of these still linger I am confident that He will guide us through them.  Over the next year I hope to share more about my journey and the lessons God has taught me but for now let tell you about the wonderful things that God has been doing here at UPCC.

242 Community Church is two years old.  What a blessing it has been to see our church plant get started and take off.  God has not only established this church, but it has grown as new folks have found their way into membership, folks have been saved, elders established, and the church is looking for a bigger space.

New staff hired.  In JanuaryI wrote about our new full time staff member Derek Whalen joining our team.  What a blessing he has been as he has jumped into loving this flock and, with a similar passion, invested in helping to make disciples.

Another new staff addition is Nate Sims.  Nate is a CRU missionary and a military chaplain along with being a husband and father of three, so his time with us is limited.  Fortunately, CRU encourages church partnerships and Kingdom building.  This philosophy of ministry has allowed us to work together as Nate leads our youth ministry and is learning the ropes of church life as a ministry assistant. 

Community opportunities galore:  Doughnuts and coffee to the school district teachers and staff, Community Day, First Monday Meal, Fallfest.  All of these events and many others have given us the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the place our church calls home and beyond.  This has allowed us to literally interact with hundreds of our neighbors and given us the chance to show them Christ’s love. 

Counseling Center started.  A leadership structure was established, a group of counselors was trained, policies were put into place and lives have been impacted. 

We have for years seen God putting the pieces into place as we noticed the huge need for Christian counseling in our church and valley.  Now we have finally seen it all come together in His timing.  Currently we are only counseling within our church family as we iron out the wrinkles, but plans are being laid for much more, as God allows.

The best is yet to come.  We are not sure what battles we will be facing or what kind of warfare looms in front of us, but we are confident that God has much in store for UPCC.  It has been a joy to be a part of helping to lead this amazing body and I look forward to sharing more of what God is doing as we journey forward. 

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