
You will be missed Dave

It has been a loong time since I last wrote a blog and my intention moving forward is to be more faithful as I have much to share that is happening in my life and the life of UPCC.

As I begin again my heart is heavy and yet settled. Dave Dagger, a good friend, active church member and faithful disciple of Christ, left this world unexpectantly and entered into glory on Wednesday June 22, 2022.

Dave and my family go waaaay back. On the day that we moved to PA in August 1995, Dave met us when we rolled in with a moving truck and van carrying all of our worldly belongings. My father-in-law was driving the truck and Dave could tell that he was reluctant to leave his little girl in this new foreign land. In order to help out he made a promise to keep an eye on us and he took that promise very seriously til the day he was called home. He was always one of my cheerleaders in life and ministry, helped my wife out by fixing things he knew I could never fix around the house, took my kids under his wing and played with them, checked in on them and always loved them.

Then when we planted a new church, the Dagger’s were right there walking through all of the ups and downs of a new ministry. As UPCC grew Dave became a part of many parts of the ministry from picking up doughnuts on second Sundays for church cafe time to stepping onto the deacon team. When Dave retired, he joined another one of our retirees named Rick and the two of them saved the church thousands of dollars in construction costs and had a blast doing it. In fact, working on the building was exactly what he was doing when he probably had a massive heart attack and passed into eternity doing one of the things that he loved to do.

Dave was a constant encourager in a quiet, unassuming way. A few brief words spoken and a pat on the back. The legacy he leaves us to follow is a call to grow daily to be the man or woman of God that He desires us to be. Dave remained teachable and was still growing in how best to love his wife, parent his adult children and lead his grandchildren. In church he served behind the scenes, loved on all with equal quiet care and strove to know Christ better.

If we know Christ then this is not “good bye” but “see you in a while.” Let’s honor Dave by living life using his example as our guide.

1 Response to “You will be missed Dave”

  1. 1 Sharon Ronan
    June 30, 2022 at 7:46 pm

    We all love and respect Dave for his quiet service.

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